It would take pretty jaded old churl to say that the sparkly new terms and conditions of service at the BBC are largely the old ones given new names. There, I've said it.
Office hours become fixed hours. Shift hours stay the same; even an attempt to limit night shifts down to 10 hours has been reversed. You are, as now, expected to get rotas four weeks in advance. 'Protected days' - days off they can't change - become days you can 'lock'. There are two sorts of 'variable' patterns - one where you can claim overtime at 1.5x, and the other where you're supposed to stick to that very modern concept 'time off in lieu'.
An entertaining practice called 'bookending' where you can double your holidays with runs of days off either side is to be formalised.
The only real change is that the two levels of Unpredictability Allowances will be frozen for existing staff, and not given to new joiners. How that squares with equal pay for equal work is a mystery.
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