Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I hope Donalda MacKinnon's press advisors at BBC Scotland have a worked-out plan. Over Christmas, the new BBC Scotland Director, Donalda, has given interviews to the Herald, The Times (of London) and today, The National.

The themes - winning back trust (which one Conservative MSP has decoded as 'giving in to the zoomers'); more Scottish tv drama, ideally produced for network consumption; and a go-ahead for a second radio channel focussing on music, culture, and perhaps drama, piloted in November as Radio Scotland Music Extra.

All these raise hopes, and put pressure on London to dosh up - sorry, that should read, spend more of the licence fee raised in Scotland on Scotland. Donalda says a decision on a Scottish Six is weeks away; she seems to be trying to ensure that a substantial chunk of money is re-allocated if it goes ahead (we note there's no news yet on the weekly programme that is to replace Scotland 2016). Accountants will look to James Harding's News Division to contribute - a test of his collaborative mettle, or perhaps not.

If Donalda doesn't get what she wants, what will the next series of interviews say ?

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