Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Five more years ?

"Remote Controller", tv reviewer in Private Eye, believes Lord Hall is considering staying on as BBC Director General beyond 2017, when media commentators believed he would call time.

The column, thought by many to be the work of Ian Hislop's deputy, Francis Wheen, cruelly suggests he needs more time to create a legacy.

But who decides how long a DG lasts ? There's no particular rhythm in recent years. John Birt stayed 8 years, Greg Dyke would have liked longer than 4 years, George Entwistle lost control after 54 days.

Is there some arms-length toe-in-the-water taking-the-temperature stuff going on here ? "Remote Controller" thinks current possible successors to Tone are Charlotte Moore, Jay Hunt, Tim Davie and Anne Bulford. Mmm. If Lord Hall was to be provided with a new Chairman he liked and rated, might he be persuaded to let the field of successors develop for a few more years ?

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