Sunday, October 12, 2014

Down on The Farm

From the Sunday Times, we learn that BBC Director of News James Harding is off to Stanford University for two weeks, in his quest to discover The Future of News.

At the journalism school, he might meet Hearst Professor of Communication, James T Hamilton, who "through research in the field of computational journalism, is exploring how the costs of story discovery can be lowered through better use of data and algorithms."  Mmm - computer-driven, cheap Panoramas.

Or Professor Theodore L Glasser, whose contribution to "Normative Theories of The Media: Journalism in Democratic Societies", might help James get Alex Salmond and the boys off Nick Robinson's back.

Or he could pop into the John S Knight Journalism Fellowships department, where they "champion innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders as they re-invent journalism."

"Innovation means applying new solutions to unmet needs: creativity plus implementation. It is not wild ideas that lead nowhere, and it is not limited to digital technology.

"Entrepreneurship means taking a risk to create something new — inside an existing organization or outside of one — by seeing and responding to an opportunity. It is not the same as starting a business.

"Leadership means inspiring and enlisting others to reach a shared goal. It is not the same as being the boss or a CEO. Journalism informs and engages the public with reliable news and information in myriad forms of media: stories, photos, videos, charts, analysis and commentary. Its tools and techniques change while its core principles of accuracy, verification, independence, fairness and relevance remain sacred.

All in two weeks.

  • There should be no time for partying, but we note that on campus, the University requires the provision of EANABS at all social events. Equally Attractive Non-Alcoholic Beverages.

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