Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Calm Down x 3

I ought to feel more empathy for Jimmy Mulville, big cheese of British indie comedy, executive producer of Outnumbered, Episodes and new BBC1 pensioner romp Boomers - fellow Evertonian and all that.

But he's regularly one to bite the hand that feeds the Hat Trick production company. Beating up publicity for Boomers, he told the Independent that the BBC Trust had a history of making “unhelpful comments to justify their existence”.

“To legislate for comedy or drama by saying it’s ‘too blue collar’ or ‘too middle class’ or ‘too posh’ – on that basis you’d be doing comedy with a slide rule. You wouldn’t have Downton Abbey or Outnumbered. Actually doing quality stuff is what’s important. I think the BBC Trust is too middle class.”

A BBC Trust spokesman responded thus: "Our recent review of BBC Television did not say that BBC drama or comedy are ‘too middle class’; some participants in our audience research expressed this view. We found that BBC TV as a whole is performing very strongly. Since the BBC aims to offer something for everyone, we also said that BBC television should seek to improve its appeal to younger, minority ethnic and lower income viewers."

Jimmy's Twitter style can also be a bit "in yer face".

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