Thursday, May 15, 2014

Never mind the gongs...

The Radio 2 behemoth, Station of the Year at the Radio Academy Awards Without A Masthead Sponsor, rolls on, up from 15.27m listeners last year to 15.57m. Put some Jamaica Inn mumbling on quick, Bob - this has to stop somewhere.

It HAS been overtaken by the increased Bauer Radio portfolio of stations, now up to 16.1m through acquisitions, and the ever-growing Global Radio group is up to 21.4m. They, of course, would argue that their true competition is the total BBC Radio figure - 33.1m.

In other Stations of The Year news, Radio Ulster is up slightly, from 510k to 530k (How does it qualify for the 1m+ category ? Ed), and Station of the Year Below 1m, BBC Tees is down slightly, from 144k to 134k.

Bethan Powys' new regime at Radio Cymru has put their tiny figures up 20%. Radio Scotland's decline continues, down 7.5% year on year.

Sad to see the Asian Network dip back below 500k, at 478k. LBC puts on 11%, with its improved national availability.

BBC Local Radio drifts down - and something funny is happening across Middle England. Radio Gloucestershire down 29%, Radio Bristol down 29%, Radio Northants down 24% and Radio Norfolk down 21%. Against that trend, Coventry & Warwickshire is up 16%, and Radio Lincolnshire up 14%.

Other wiser bloggers on radio audiences offer other insights: This from Matt Deegan on Radio 1's Nick Grimshaw's revolving door audience, chasing under-25s and making over-25s unwelcome.

... even with Nick’s good work, R1′s average age nudges back up (when measured 15+) to 34. As a comparison – Capital London (34), Kiss (30), The Hits (28), 1Xtra (26), Capital Xtra (29) and Kiss Fresh (26). 
And, as we note Radio 2's £47.8m content budget, Adam Bowie notes the effect.

Just about ONE THIRD of all radio listeners in the UK listen to Radio 2 (32.4%)

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