Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Grey Yentob

Regular readers will know we like to keep an eye on denizens of various pubs in the W1 area of London. Now we can add Alan Yentob to our list of famous visitors to the Yorkshire Grey (lunchtime section). I await details of his refreshment and will bring it you as soon as possible. Maybe we can all be Al's Pals soon...

10pm update: I now have fuller SP on the Creative Director's attendance. There was a slight frisson with the management, as Al brought his own pre-purchased scram (frowned on in most London pubs), but all was elegantly smoothed over. As for the rest of the session, I hereby invoke the Rule of Vegas. What goes on in the Yorkshire Grey, stays in the Yorkshire Grey - a stricture that has preserved the reputations of YG visitors down the years, from Rimbaud through to Noddy Holder.  . .

1 comment:

  1. White wine. And his own Sushi box, which was confiscated by the manager.


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