Thursday, March 20, 2014

Duty spoiler

(A post of rather specialist interest - or perhaps not when we get the overnight viewing figures. If you're Noel Edmonds or only watching Line of Duty on catch-up, do not read on....).

So, for series 3 of Line of Duty, creator and writer Jed Mecurio offers a new anti-hero: Matthew 'Dot' Cottan, played by Craig Parkinson.

In last night's Q&A on the BBC TV Blog, Mercurio confirmed: To answer a common question: the ambush was set up by Cottan, acting as an intermediary between Tommy's criminal associates and corrupt officers Akers, Prasad and Cole.

Why did Denton change direction driving in the flashback to make Akers and Thomas say, what is she doing, Why were they all killed?

Lindsay got cold feet about going along with Akers' plan. We always felt there was a danger this particular story point might not be clear to everyone, but it was very important to understand how much she regretted the ambush, and why she fought so hard to conceal her complicity.

But why was Akers killed in the ambush but not Denton - as like Denton she had been corrupted.

Prasad in his testimony at the start said that Akers was killed because she knew too much about the plotting of the ambush. Cottan asked Akers if Denton wanted to know details, and was satisfied that she didn't.....The plan was to kill Tommy and anyone who knew about the conspiracy to kill him. Denton was spared because she was ignorant of who was behind it all. 

In the scene between Akers and Lindsay, Akers said Tommy would be handed over to the criminals who wanted him silenced. Obviously something bad would befall him but Akers and Lindsay would have to live with that. Akers had no idea she would be targeted, due to her knowledge of the conspiracy. Akers could have made up any story to make Tommy move to somewhere he'd be vulnerable to an ambush, but she chose to involve Lindsay, having caught Lindsay questioning Tommy about Carly's disappearance. Akers took the chance that Lindsay would cooperate due to Lindsay's desire to help find Carly.

In the end, we felt that it was credible that the conspirators didn't kill Lindsay. Even if she was investigated, she knew nothing about who was really behind the ambush. After all, her best guess was that it was Mike Dryden, which was completely wrong. And, having taken Akers' bribe, Lindsay had a lot to lose by coming clean to AC-12. These discussions went on for hours, sometimes days!

The ambushers approached the cars head on. How would a tracker help? Were they planning to chase after them on Crown Avenue. If that is so, wouldn't they be nearer the junction ready to turn onto Crown Avenue?

Thanks for considering this point in detail. In constructing the logic of the ambush, we never specified the location where the ambush would have taken place if Lindsay hadn't taken the detour. This was deliberate. It provides the flexibility to place the ambush vehicles on a parallel road at the time of the detour. Seeing the tracker signal deviate, they were able to choose a route to intercept the police convoy, and this happened to lead to a head-on convergence of the vehicles. We actually mapped all this out at the location where we filmed the sequence in case we needed to shoot scenes to explain it in detail later in the series. As it turned out, none of the editorial team felt this was necessary, but I respect the fact that you may disagree.

Was Ackers call to [Kate] Fleming just a red herring?

This was one of two phone calls (the other being Dryden's call to Lindsay on the night of Carly's disappearance) that we had planned to explain if they became very important to the overall conspiracy, but in the end we decided not to include these scenes in the series. We shot the scene of Dryden's call to Lindsay but it didn't make the final cut.

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