Thursday, January 30, 2014


FOI factoid: in financial year 2012/3, the TV Licensing team send a total of 21,554,240 letters to addresses without a tv licence.


  1. Goodness gracious me!
    I am ever so glad I found your blog (I forget who pointed me to you) because I have seen so many revelations that I honestly believe the whole BBC set-up is absolutely beyond repair.
    It is time to start a truly valid attack upon the whole issue of the BBC Television Tax.
    Can I please ask anyone at all reading this Blog, "Why was the Poll Tax so unacceptable to certain parties??" and yet virtually the same principal of a fixed tax upon rich and poor households alike, totally ignoring their means of payment is considered to be not worthy of mention??

  2. Because the BBC is fundamentally a force for good and if you look at the television services of every other country in the world you'll find them worse. next question.


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