Thursday, November 21, 2013

No job like it

A short sharp series of raspberries was heard from Broadcasting House yesterday, as the BBC answered an FOI enquiry asking some reasonable questions about the employment of laughing Al Yentob. Below, my edited version of the Q&As, which started by seeking...

Q. A copy of the job description and objectives set for Mr Alan Yentob as Creative Director
A. I can confirm that there is no job description for Mr Yentob’s role, due to the fact that [because ?] this is [a ?] highly specialised and bespoke role that is unique to Mr Yentob. The post of Creative Director is not a contracted full-time role. The objectives set for Mr Yentob, and the terms of employments [sic] are considered to be personal information and we are therefore withholding this information under section 40(2) (personal information) of the Act.
[Oh, dear HR department, how is possible to evaluate a salary without a job description ? How did we arrive at a rather specific-looking package of £183,300 ?]

Q. The terms of employment and/or any other information showing whether the role is full time or part time including confirmation of contractual hours and leave allowance.
A. See answer above

Q. An organogram of the Creative Director's office and direct reports
A. Mr Yentob reports directly to the Director General, Tony Hall, and has one direct report which is his Personal Assistant.

Q. A copy of Mr Yentob's work diary/schedule for the past 12 months
[An internal BBC review has found that the enquiry response is late; the reviewer expects an answer within four weeks. There is precedent for releasing PDFs of BBC diaries, though heavily redacted. There are other ways of working out what Mr Yentob is doing, as the BBC's most-papped staff member. Last week he was in New York; this week he was giving an award to Sir Terence Conran at the Sanderson Hotel; this weekend he's in Hampstead in conversation with Kevin Spacey]

Q. Information that clarifies of whether the Creative Director role entitles Mr Yentob to commission his own programmes (ie those he presents, features in or produces) or whether these programmes are subject to the exact same competitive commissioning process as other in house or indie programme makers have to go through. A note of these appointments in the requested diary details would be helpful.
A. Information regarding the Commissioning process of programmes is out of scope of the Act....  I can confirm that Mr Yentob does not commission his own programmes.

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