Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dress sense

The dovecotes are a-flutter at Broadcasting House - and it's not the hired hawks that are doing it. It's the visit later this week by The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

A range of executives and middle-managers with little experience of presentee-ism on a Friday have had to change their out-of-office auto-replies - or get their PAs to do it. On Radio 4 Sian Williams and James Naughtie will be discussing the "cultural identity" of the new building - for a whole 45 minutes. (How many times will we hear "iconic"?)  Newsreader Corrie Corfield is worried about what dress and shoes to wear, and the curtsey-ing issue.

But a bigger headache is for the BBC News channel. If Her Maj tours the newsroom, will she be in the live shot behind the presenters - or will it happen when the show moves to a sub-basement studio, for George Alagiah's simulcast hour with BBC World ?

If she's allowed to make a Royal Progress through Dr Evil's Volcano News Lair, will her outfit comply with the "guidelines"? This Vogue record of her ensembles over 12 months shows a preference for bright pastels, and the odd yellow that strays into "Hi-Vis" territory.

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