Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Troubled waters

The story of the BBC hack taken ill in the giant multimedia newsroom at Broadcasting House isn't going away; NUJ rep Sue Harris has told The Telegraph “The member of staff had to struggle out of camera shot to get to the paramedic as the crew weren’t allowed to walk across the newsroom to them because of their high-vis jackets.

"This cannot be allowed to happen again. A more sensible solution has to be found, such as putting screens up. Fortunately on this occasion the person in question was not critically ill, but the BBC cannot let petty rules potentially put lives in danger.”

A BBC spokesman denied that paramedics entering the newsroom had become an issue when the member of staff was taken ill and said that the patient walked to reception.

One has to say that screens, like thosed used at horse races, might be more distracting. But the story is part of a wider picture.

Staff in all divisions are going through a 90 minute "sheep dip" slide show and discussion about bullying. (That's despite Dinah Rose's advice that re-training should focus on induction and leadership). And HR boss Lucy Adams, who gave an unconvincing performance on bullying on the World At One last week, has offered a below-inflation pay rise, plus the mouthwatering news that the antiquated and meaningless UPA allowance is to be consolidated into unpensionable pay. Zarin Patel's promise (to MPs) to move talent that works like BBC staff onto staff pay is in a mess. A Stuart Hall tribute programme on Radio 5Live was only taken off the BBC iPlayer yesterday - and there's head scratching at MediaCityUK about how to get his beaming physog off the giant wall and window graphics.  And there WILL be a separate inquiry into how Hall behaved on BBC premises, despite Lord Patten's attempt to wave it away on Sunday. Roger Mosey has emerged in a role that looks at least 90% similar to that held by Mark Byford, if on half the salary; the post of Deputy DG was closed at the cost of redundancy payments of £949k.

Unsteady, to say the least.

Lucy Adams has promised a full pay and grading review for mid-2013. It wasn't mentioned in yesterday's pay offer. The BBC has moved into modern buildings with heritage work practices and reward, and the management seem intent on handing the unions more Jokers to play.

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