Saturday, February 9, 2013


I have no inside track on Lord (Tony) Hall's plans for re-shaping the BBC Executive, but remain puzzled by yesterday's widespread assertions that he's offered Helen Boaden a move from News to Audio & Music. Is it possible that this is just one source bouncing round into credibility, or is there substance ?

Helen has reportedly been offered the job before (by George Entwistle) and turned it down. She's been nearly nine years at the head of News, and the first eight passed without major external criticism. Now, the argument goes, something "has to be done" about News and Helen, because of the Pollard report. It's an argument that suits some people, and not others.

I think Tone has three tasks, in this order, but all intertwined.

1: Stabilise the current executive, which has too many people acting, but in a way that doesn't b*gger up task 3. Note: Helen isn't "acting".

2: Bring in fresh executive talent (with a firm eye on improving gender balance). I suggest this is easiest to do in the current structure at Audio & Music. It is, after all, what John Birt did when he brought in Liz Forgan from The Guardian (though they fell out over moving Radio News and Current Affairs from Broadcasting House to Television Centre - spookily, that's now been reversed)

3: Restructure, as agreed with Lord Patten, within three months of arrival. I suspect that's taking up more of Tone's brain than the slide puzzle.

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