Saturday, February 9, 2013

Holiday time

There's an entertaining half-term week ahead for BBC management. The NUJ are planning a national one-day strike on Monday 18th February, ratcheting up the stakes over possible compulsory redundancies. In Scotland, union officials say six new posts have been advertised externally, while nine staff face the exit.  The timing will disrupt various ski-ing and other holidays, as suits are called in to keep things going; for the striking workers, it's nicely added to a weekend. And, for the history books, it'll be the first time for pickets at Dr Evil's Volcano News Lair new Broadcasting House (phase 2).

The end of the week has been ear-marked for the publication of the (redacted) Pollard annexes. So marvel as executives pull together on Monday, and wonder how they ever managed to speak a civil word to each other on Friday.

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