Monday, February 11, 2013


As we move into a world of 4G, pads, tablets, mega-memory and nano-technology, America re-embraces the banjo in the Grammies, with big awards for Mumford & Sons (disclaimer: management team based in my road), Gotye, two nominations for The Lumineers and one for The Avett Brothers. I think I can detect a banjo on Carrie Underwood's Blown Away, and there's unsurprisingly one in the Steep Canyon Rangers.  Last year Taylor Swift played a banjo at the Grammies.

It's all good news for a San Diego instrument maker, Deering Banjo, who have most of the above artists signed up. Their instruments start at around $500, and each takes about three hours to make - a speed which compares very favourably with Chinese competitors.

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