Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Size matters - or does it ?

In the twitchy, look-over-your-shoulder world of BBC tv production, there'll be some rigorous textual analysis of this tweet, from Chief Creative Officer of BBC Vision, Pat Younge, apparently euphoric over  wins in the vital TV Choice awards (in association with Daz)........

It's the qualityoverquantity hashtag that will have them guessing. Does Pat, leader of "the largest team of content creators in the world", mean to signal that size no longer matters ?

Few other people are currently using the hashtag. Apart from the Tavern on Mill in Tempe, Arizona, offering today "$2.50 All tacos, $3 Mexican Beers $4 Espolon Margaritas #tacotuesday #qualityoverquantity" and the intriguing slogan "Saturday School at The Tavern on Mill. Where day drinking becomes a hobby, and making it all night is a talent".

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