Monday, September 24, 2012


Nick Grimshaw has started his career as the Radio 1 Breakfast host - and eschewed the multi-media ambitions demonstrated by his predecessor, the much less telegenic Chris Moyles. As far as I can tell, there is no webcam offering to go with the programme. Perhaps they didn't want to show Nick's hand trembling over the faders....

And as for the "unsung" jingles, the new package, thought to have been put together by Wise Buddah of Great Titchfield Street, offers plenty of fanfare, and the double-tracked and echoed voice of a young lady with slightly-strangled vowels. A little in the style of Pod, from the tv show Snog, Marry, Avoid ?

Listen here, courtesy of Radio Today - the first mystery voice is at 54".  The second mystery voice is Nick Grimshaw, at 1.53.

The music for the jingle is big on brass and strings, or at least, their synthesised cousins. There is also a mystery "ping" at 39". Is it the studio microwave, announcing the warmed bacon rolls ? Or some limiter warning we should never have heard ?

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