Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hip action

Will the full list of Strictly Come Dancing Celebrities hold till official launch on Monday ?  One interested group is "Breakfast TV Presenters", who've often provided willing victims - and, indeed, the first winner. By my reckoning, it was the BBC's turn this year - but has the move to Salford made that harder for them to fit in with the schedules ?  Susannah Reid, by my guess, would leap at it. But the slot seems to have been taken by Richard Arnold, showbiz chatterer, brought back into the Daybreak fold by David Kermode. (Kermode was running BBC Breakfast when Natasha K was entered in the first series). We may yet be surprised - in the SCD matrix, Richard Arnold is likely to fill more of the notional Russell Grant hole, and there may yet be room for a set of twinkly toes from the BBC News stable.

NB: Nick Owen was an ITV newsreader in October 2006, when he was announced as a SCD contestant, and in November 2006, he was signed by the BBC.

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