Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Gagmeister Lord Patten will be running through his material on the bus from Barnes today, ahead of the leaving party for ex-BBC DG Mark Thompson at Broadcasting House. BBC spinners have tried to tell us it's an "austerity do", lasting only two hours. Have you any idea how many deep-fried breaded mushrooms it takes to keep them quiet over that period ?

Meanwhile, the organisation moves on - and, if the Mail is to be believed, new boss George Entwistle has decided to break up the Operations Division (started in 2006, and doubled in size in November 2010 with the addition of BBC People, Property and Marketing). This may help with an exit deal for George's rival for the DG role, Caroline Thomson, COO - we told you she was on the move last Friday. And unless he's cute with the restructuring, Lucy Adams, Director of Business Operations, might be busted back to just HR.  However, I have every confidence George will be cute.

By the way, the Mail suggests George has specially hired someone from consultants Deloitte to help with this conundrum. No need for that - there's one round every corner.

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