Sunday, September 16, 2012

And so it starts

And so George's tenure at the BBC begins. From midnight it's all his. (And Lord Patten's).

Those looking for signs and symbols will note that he's chosen to drop in on the 6Music Breakfast Show as one of his first appointments. That's the network Mark Thompson agreed was surplus to requirements - too small an audience to make it value for money, and if the audience got bigger, the commercial sector would be up in arms.

Will he also "pop in" on Chris Evans, also in Western House ?  No point a trip as far as Yalding, where Scott Mills is holding the fort for a week at breakfast as the Moyles' legacy is hosed down, clean for Team Grimmy.

The Today Programme is too far away, at TVC. What about Start The Week with Andrew Marr ? Why, that's been given over to Salman Rushdie, to publicise his new book (complete with publisher credit on the website). Is that likely to be a 55 minute live interview ?  I think not...

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