Sunday, August 5, 2012

Understanding Auntie

Here's a small selection of understatements from the June minutes of the BBC Executive, decoded by yours truly.

3: General update 

The Board discussed the BBC’s coverage of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, focusing in particular on the river pageant, associated press coverage and the BBC’s response to it. A number of points were made and Mark Thompson agreed it would be useful to reflect on the conversation. The Board also agreed it would be helpful to have a briefing note with key facts and audience figures.

Decoded: There's still a bit of a row going on....

4 Commercial Framework 

Summary: This section of the meeting focused on the commercial framework proposals discussed by the Board at its last few meetings and also included a presentation on BBC Worldwide’s strategy. The Board discussed the proposals and the presentation and the timetable for considering these alongside a piece of work on the financials flowing from the framework proposals. It was noted that all three pieces of work would return to the Board for further discussion and approval.

Decoded: There's still a bit of a row going on....

8.7 This paper noted that, as part of the BBC Trust’s ongoing programme of reviews and
seminars on the impartiality of BBC coverage, Edward Mortimer had been commissioned by the BBC Trust to focus on the impartiality and accuracy of the BBC’s coverage of the events known as the “Arab Spring”. The paper presented BBC News Group Management’s response to the report. 

8.8 The Board acknowledged the main points of the report, noting it was unusual to review an ongoing story. The Board approved the response for submission to the Trust.

Decoded: where does the Trust think it gets off reviewing a story that's still to run its course ?

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