Monday, March 5, 2012

One door opens...

According to Gillian Reynolds in The Telegraph, today is the day the revamped Broadcasting House formally "opens". The three output big cheeses, George Entwistle, Vision, Helen Boaden, News and Tim Davie, Audio and Music, will be photographed as doors between "old" and "new" BH are opened.

It will take the rest of the year before the new extension is fully operational. A move over a month, like the Guardian managed to King's Place, is not for the risk-averse BBC. There's always a risk of being too cocky about new buildings - five false fire alarms in eight weeks are taking a little edge off shiny new space in Salford.

The question of who "owns" the completed building is thus dependent on whether or not it is judged a success - by staff, the licence-fee-payers, and, most importantly, the papers. Mr Davie seems to have done a reasonable job spinning himself and the BH concept to Gillian. Rowan Moore, in the Observer, thinks there have been too many architects involved, and the result lacks cohesion.

The staff, of course, will judge the building by its catering provision. I understand, after some humming and ha-ing, the contract has gone to the BBC's current suppliers. Aramark UK is part of the Aramark Corporation. Worldwide they have contracts with 2,000 hospitals, 2,200 colleges and universities, 400 sports stadiums, 160 oil rigs and mines, and 500 prisons. A perfect match.

1 comment:

  1. Latest on catering - you have to pay for water in the underground NBH canteen dungeon. Or so they said when asked. Dearie me.
    (A wave of nostalgia for the Ariel letters page comes over me momentarily.)


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