Saturday, February 4, 2012

Talking heids

More trouble looming at BBC Radio Scotland.  The station is dropping Janice Forsyth's Saturday morning show from July. Her mix of music and interviews has been on the air for 18 years - but a BBC spokesman said "BBC Radio Scotland has been evolving to become more speech-based during the day, with music scheduled for evenings which is in line with the BBC Trust-backed strategy of offering programmes that are different from commercial radio and other BBC stations".

Janice will still have programmes on Thursday and Friday night, but already the great and good north of the border are getting worked up about the Saturday change.  Ian Rankin has tweeted that BBC Scotland are "off their heads" and "nuts". Val McDermid says "Not everyone -- even football fans like me -- needs a tartan 5Live". Iain Duff, editor of Camping magazine says "Soon Radio Scotland's output will consist entirely of sport and bagpipe music".

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