Thursday, November 24, 2011

My analyst told me....

The BBC has conducted an "Equality Analysis" of its Delivering Quality First proposals. It's been published in response to an FOI enquiry by a blind person worried about the impact on local radio and web broadcasting of sports, and audio description on TV.

The report is 11 pages and full of process. The only meaningful assessment of impact I can find is summarised here.

Social diversity - audience analysis indicates that the proposals will have no effect on our reach with audiences from a lower socio-economic group. There may be a small impact on time spent with the BBC by this group. 

Asian Network from an employment perspective, savings made from the Asian Network have the potential to negatively affect the profile of Asian staff at the BBC. However, the Executive consider that the effect on reach with Asian audiences will be less significant because of the relatively small reach the network currently has with Asian audiences compared to other BBC services. A separate equality analysis will be also conducted of this proposal to examine this action in detail. 

Disabled audiences - the impact of proposals on disabled audiences is less clear than other audience groups because the BBC doesn’t collect equivalent audience data according to disability compared with gender or ethnicity for example. As a result, we are unable to model the proposals for the impact on this segment of our audience which is a significant gap in our audience analysis capacity and poses some risk to our ability to understand all our audiences.

I'm not sure there's much there to reassure the enquirer.

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