Thursday, October 27, 2011

RAJAR odds and ends

Delighted for the BBC Asian Network, back above 500,000 reach for the first time since 2007 - already on much reduced funding, and facing savage DQF cuts.

On the commercial side of life, you wouldn't mind a graph like this (borrowed from the excellent MediaUK) - Smooth has overtaken TalkSport.  Though Paul Easton's comment, below reminds me it's not quite like for like ahead of the surge....

Radio Cymru is flatlining at 138,000 listeners a week.  £116.66p per listener per year if things don't improve.  English local radio £19 per listener per year on current RAJARs.

For those with DAB anxiety, almost two in five say they have access to a DAB receiver - up 12% year on year.

1 comment:

  1. Re. the graph. Very impressive but equally very misleading.

    Media UK's source data was just for the Jazz FM/Smooth NW regional licence until six months ago, at which point it began to use the Smooth Radio UK figures.


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