Thursday, May 27, 2010

Renewing policies

After writing the previous post, I found that the BBC has belatedly released its SoPPs (Statements of Programme Policy) for 2010/2011.

It strikes me as extremely lazy that the whole document makes forward promises about coverage of the General Election, which happened, I think, three weeks ago. You'd think an organisation focused on news might have found a way to update or re-write with a word or two of explanation.

There's no change in the target of c75% news coverage for 5Live.

I was interested to see how Radio 2 Controller Bob Shennan would respond to the Trust's new stricture of providing 50% speech/music in daytime (which isn't mentioned in the SoPP). It looks like some of it will be the "social" campaigning, helping people to understand computers (does the UK still need that ?). The only other daytime change seems to be asking Steve Wright to carry clips of evening comedy shows. I suspect there needs to be more talking than that to satisfy the Trust.

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