Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reading long pieces in the Guardian.....

... so you don't have to. A feature/interview piece about Jack Straw (aged 63, fighting Blackburn for the eighth time) contains this exchange about the BBC.

Straw exudes combativeness. "I've just sent Nick Robinson a text... asking him if the Sun report that he earns £275,000 is true. He sends me texts all the time, so I thought I'd send him one. He hasn't replied yet." Straw is not a fan of BBC mega-salaries. "They're destroying the BBC," he says. "Mark Thompson earns far too much. I get £140,000 a year and I get by. If I'd stayed at the bar or gone into business, I could probably have earned more, but I didn't. I went into politics because I wanted to."

If Robinson had replied, what would Straw have done with the information ? What does Robinson ask Straw by text, and has he ever replied ? Has the information been used on the BBC ? And what is Straw's total package - accommodation, transport, hospitality and a range of assistants - worth beyond £140k ?

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