Friday, March 5, 2010

Reading blogs so you don't have to...

This time, a selection of the 81 comments appended to Tim Davie's blog, defending the decision to turn off 6Music and The Asian Network.

The Strategic Review says that if the 6 Music audience grew, it would have an impact on the commercial networks. So it's too small to be allowed to continue, but it's not allowed to get big enough to be allowed to survive, because the BBC has done some kind of formal or informal Faustian deal with Murdoch and friends that they have the 'rights of ownership' over the 30-50 audience. Well a) no radio station owns me and b) what on EARTH makes you think that the commercial networks meet my needs or that if you axed 6 Music, I would go running into their arms ? It just won't happen. I started listening to 6 Music in the first place because I was fed up of the banality and repetition of commercial stations

I've got a better solution to improving BBC Radio. Get someone that understands Radio and not just selling Head & Shoulders as Head of Radio. Don't tell everyone 6 Music is expensive per listener when you spend more per listener on Radio 3. As for the GBP50M you waste on 60,000 who watch BBC Alba, well..

How is it that Radio Wales, Radio Cymru and Radio Ulster/Foyle are allowed to continue entertaining their, frankly, risible number of listeners for a cost of £50 million, yet 6Music is slated with the axe for, pro rata, reaching a higher proportion of the population (on a per capita basis) with a smaller budget?

Oh dear, it appears Tim has performed the old 'Blog and Run' trick along with his boss et al !
Will no one from the BBC engage with us in this discussion like grown ups?

You can surely see the great trust and positive goodwill you are throwing away by discarding this audience. We are not going to trot off and listen to Radio 2 or commercial radio just because we are told to - we want the innovative, eclectic, intelligent voice of 6 Music and we are not prepared to be treated as worthless and irrelevant. We are exactly the audience you should be striving to retain, the licence payers of the next 50-odd years - ignore us at your peril!

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