Monday, February 8, 2010

Luke sharp

Luke Johnson, outgoing Chairman of Channel 4, manages to be much more acerbic in print than in interviews. Here's the kernel of his thoughts on "negotiating" with the BBC, from a farewell piece in the Media Guardian.

"I failed to properly understand that the BBC is the single most influential lobbying organisation in Britain. Whether it is backbench MPs on BBC local radio, print journalists on its payroll, ministers on the Today programme, tickets to the Proms or Wimbledon or Glastonbury, when its £3.5bn 'jacuzzi of cash' is threatened, the entire machine dedicates itself to seeing off any rival – rather like Doctor Who and the Daleks joining forces to destroy the ultimate enemy. The favours are gently called in, the army of public affairs staff get to work, and self-preservation on steroids kicks in."

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