Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Making Bacon

The move of Richard Bacon into the 5live daytime slot vacated by Simon Mayo is dividing opinions. And, though 5Live hosted forums are a thing of the past, the texts and emails piled in yesterday when Richard asked the audience if they thought he was irritating.

This was in response to a comment from Vinnie Jones on Celebrity Big Brother. At one stage, Bacon was thought to be a possible inmate - but Vinnie felt he wouldn't have added to the "quality" of the show; despite Bacon's adulation of Vinnie, the hard man in return finds him "irritating".

Certainly Mr Bacon loves talking about himself; he's one of the UK's most followed-twitterers, with 1.3m+ hanging on his tweets. And reading the tweets of the past day or so, it's almost as if Richard knew the "irritating" word was coming.

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