Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Howard's End

Former colleague and friend Howard Benson deserves a mention - he's won a sort of "unsung hero" award within BBC News.

I worked with Howard at both Newsbeat and 5Live, and we still meet up for a light refreshment - increasingly lighter as age takes its toll. Howard's place in radio history ought to be confirmed as the longest-serving editor of Up All Night on 5Live, which he's leaving at the end of March. It's a job he's done with his own style and enthusiasm, with a diminishing budget, but true invention, built round the talents of the estimable Rhod Sharp (is a legend). On the way, he's recruited an eclectic bunch of staff prepared to face the difficult shifts, many of whom have gone on to find success in other, more lauded parts of BBC News. And on shoe-string funds, his teams have broadcast on a combination of lap-tops, broadband and hope, on some of the most important news stories of the decade - producing fresh insights and perspectives rare in the rest of radio news and current affairs. Give the show a try while he's still there. Or some of its bits, like Pods and Blogs.

From April, Howard will be devoting more time here. It takes all sorts.

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