Friday, January 22, 2010

28 days

February looks set to be a busy month at the BBC. The strategic review, something more on salaries/pay, and the publication of a National Audit Office report on BBC building projects could all be on the way.

On the strategic review, The Guardian has been reporting leaks as if it were still underway. It's more than likely done and dusted, with discussions between the Trust and the Executive underway on how (and what) to release (and when). It's possible that the BBC will risk a few "flyers" in the report - hoping that the audience and MPs say "That's a step too far". But it's certain that the strategists will be trying to do something to win favour with David Cameron, still the most likely person to determine the next licence fee. So there'll be pain beyond chopping off some of the long tail of BBC websites.

The success of Radio 1 and Radio 2 remains a problem with the Tories, so there might be something cute to be done there; the poor listening trends of the BBC local radio audience put that spend under the spotlight; and, in television, somebody's got to re-balance daytime scheduling of repeats against the current preference for cheap fillers about house buying/animals/policemen etc. Plus, if the theme of the review is to be a "laser sharp focus on quality", money will have to shift internally - so even the big beasts of Vision, News, and Radio 4 will face another set of year-by-year job cuts.

And someone's going to have to try to put a positive spin on it.

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