Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tusa weapon

In case you didn't have time to read Sir John Tusa's open letter to Sir Michael Lyons and Mark Thompson in The Times, here's his action points for each, to put the BBC back on track.

1: Announce that Mark Thompson's successor as DG will be paid £400k a year.
2: Announce that all future recruitment to senior posts will be scaled down pro rata. (Presumably there comes a point where, if you halve all senior managers' pay, the junior managers earn more than their bosses ?)
3: Patch up your quarrel with Ben Bradshaw.
4: Embrace the scrutiny of the NAO, worry less about Ofcom.

1: Declare salaries paid to talent.
2: Renegotiate Jonathan Ross' contract downwards
3: Slim down or abolish the "compliance" regime, and take an axe to marketing.
4: Impose a moratorium on any new guidelines and burn most existing volumes
5: Think harder about how to communicate a new 21st century view of BBC values to staff and audiences.

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