Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Caring, sharing ?

I'm getting old. I occasionally agree with lines coming from News International. The BBC's kind offer to share certain news video content (not sport or entertainment) under its own terms with newspaper websites seems odd. There's a desperate sense of "sharing at all costs" coming from the Corporation, yet the conditions turn the deal into a BBC ad link on the host site.

This is the Murdoch line.

"News International assessed the BBC's proposals and found that they not only impose onerous marketing conditions, but also offer little differentiation or benefit to customers of our websites. We expect the BBC will require the Daily Mail, Guardian, Daily Telegraph and Independent to provide marketing for the BBC at no cost, including embedding a BBC player (rather than using their own), featuring BBC pre-roll "stings" on the content, linking to the BBC and accepting a ban on advertising. This means that while they may not be charged, it is certainly not free and is likely to bring about a greater sameness of video content on a range of sites"

And they can't have the content until the BBC has used it - the time delay is unspecified. I'd love to know which site starts first, and what story they run.....

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