Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clear as mud around the UK

Scary to be at one with Ofcom. They've agreed with me (probably without reading this blog) that there are potential issues with the BBC sharing some regional news coverage and facilities with ITV, saying the plan "has the potential to inhibit the editorial and scheduling flexibility of both the BBC and the ITV network, given the close proximity of their news output in their programme schedules".

But their alternative also has flaws. According to the Guardian, they envisage a series of "independently funded news consortia" providing regional news to each of the UK's nations and regions. Potential providers would tender, with independent panels deciding who to appoint according to budgeted cost but also taking into account "plurality, reach and impact". So, as with GMTV, there's another call on ITV's ad/sponsorship revenue at another peak time - 1800-1900 weekdays. But also plenty of work for Ofcom setting up yet another process, which they just love....and another market skewed/protected, according to your views.

Meanwhile the Press Gazette reports Ian Pearson MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, taking a question on the possibility of subsidies for regional newspapers. “It’s a complex one given the requirement of freedom of editorial control ... this is something being considered within the Digital Britain plan Lord Carter is taking forward.”

In a separate story, the Gazette reports the sadness of Pat Loughrey, the BBC's outgoing (and last) Director of Nations and Regions, about the BBC Trust decision (and Ofcom) not to back the local broadband news service his team proposed. "I, like many of my colleagues, still have a sense of bereavement about the BBC's local television proposal. I for one do not believe that the market will provide in the next five or ten years anything like the vision that we had and the investment that we could have brought. I'm convinced that we could have done that without significantly affecting the prospects of commercial players."

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