Monday, December 15, 2008


To save you a search in Wikipedia: In the Arab world, shoe flinging is a gesture of extreme disrespect. In Baghdad, when US forces pulled down a giant statue of Saddam Hussein, some Iraqis threw their shoes at it on the ground.

It may go way back - Psalms 60.8, talking about traditional enemies of Judah, says "Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe". Showing the bottom of one's feet or shoes (eg putting your feet up on a desk or table) is considered an extreme insult in Arab cultures.

Al-Baghdadiya TV, an Iraqi-owned station based in Cairo, quotes it mission ""We do our utmost to bring down tragedy to sadness and then we bring down sadness to joy so that the Iraqi nation, our nation can return to us in one piece and so that our people will return to it with compassion. That is the mark of Al-Baghdadiyah in its programming and its goal in the satellite world and in reality. Al-Baghdadiyah is Iraq's window to the world and the world's window to Iraq." Available on the internet via Jumptv, it seems to promote itself as an entertainment channel.

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