Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Save on transmitters.....

RAJAR has published its latest snapshot of online listening, from a MORI/Ipsos survey conducted in October. Snippets....
  • Almost one third (31.7%) of UK adults have listened to some form of audio programming via the internet - live or later....
  • Most listening is at home (89%).
  • 2.9 million people are estimated to have used "Personalised Online Radio" - I presume they mean Last FM, Musicovery etc...
  • 75% of users of "listen again" services said they hadn't changed their live listening habits. But almost half said they are now listening to radio programmes they hadn't tried before
  • An estimated 7.2 million people have downloaded a podcast (up from 6 million in May ‘08)
  • iTunes remains the software of choice, used by almost 70% of podcast users, while 17% simply download directly from the website. 75% listen to podcasts on their home computer and 66% listen via a portable audio/mp3 player.

Full report here.

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