Thursday, December 18, 2008

Over the (blossom) hill....

A selection of wine stories, all from the Telegraph this week.

UK drinkers bought more wine from the USA than from France in the year to November.

The USA has also overtaken France in the league table of production by volume.

Australia still leads the world in terms of volume of wine consumed, but France has fallen into 3rd place, behind the USA.

The average price for American wine in the UK stands at £4.15 a bottle, with French wine at £4.46.

Chinese scientists are trying to accelerate the ageing of wine by pumping it through an electrical field. They believe it speeds up the chemical reactions that mellow wine, particularly reds.

An Australian doctor says that he's found a way to increase the amount of resveratrol, an anti-oxidant, in wine. He says it's tasteless, but by increasing its proportion, it could help clear arteries.

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