Monday, October 27, 2008

Old Harry rocks...

tHarry Redknapp is clearly a life-force. I've been close to him twice - once across the aisle of an Intercity returning from Liverpool to London on a Saturday night, when Harry was "between jobs" working as a tv pundit. He talked with anyone and everyone throughout the three hours - and, because he was so amiable, even the drunken Evertonian exiles lurching up and down the train moved on after a word and a handshake.

The second time he was at a nearby table in the restaurant of a posh hotel in Hampshire - at least for a moment or two. His mobile went off, and he spent the best part of an hour pacing up and down the terrace outside - body language suggesting the same patient approach to conversation. I suspect the other guests at his table were family and life-long friends - they seemed cheerfully resigned to Harry's behaviour.

Yet you can be sure Harry knows how to end a conversation firmly if he wants. That may be his most effective leadership skill.

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