Thursday, October 23, 2008

Examine this site

Here's a rather alarming mish-mash of collective blogging, citizen journalism and old-fashioned piece rate payment - According to Techcrunch, its beta sites targeting five US cities are already attracting 1.3m visitors a month, with little promotion - other than that required from those who join as writers.

I reprint a section from its FAQs for people thinking about signing up as "examiners".

Earning Potential Can I really make money?
Yes, you can. We provide you with the tools you need to publish your own articles and to help create promotions on We ensure our pages are search engine friendly, and we continuously iterate to add new tools and features that bring people to our site. We'll also provide you with a variety of methods that show you how to promote yourself and your contributions as an Examiner across the web.

But seriously, can I make money?
Yes, yes and yes. Our early Examiners have seen the earning potential. We offer a set "floor" per one-thousand page views, and adjust this - but never below that floor -- based on advertising and marketing gains.

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