Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sandwich filler

The Daily Mail reports that former BBC Royal correspondent Nick Witchell has had a busy season at the British Normandy Memorial. As well as being a founding trustee, he's been filling in at the Memorial's cafeteria, as an occasional 'plongeur' (dishwasher) and preparing food. 'I've made 2,000 sandwiches in the past two months'. Perhaps customers were unaware of his BBC nickname, 'The Poisoned Carrot'. 

If you want more Witchell, he's available in November at The Hostry, part of Norwich Cathedral, in conversation with former BBC Look East presenter and Hostry festival patron Susie Fowler-Watt. "This in-depth profile interview will be sure to reveal some extraordinary stories", presumably unreportable in his previous role. 

1 comment:

  1. I once saw Witchell in an LBH toilet take a pee, zip himself up and not trouble the sinks on his way out. I hope he was taught some basic hygiene before being let loose on the sandwiches.


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