Sunday, April 7, 2024

Data control

Early sight of a test question and model answer in the upcoming creative writing section of GCSE English. Please use the word 'data' at least 15 times into a 300-word text.

(Or it's a BBC job ad for a Data Governance Lead)

We are making the shift from being a broadcaster that speaks to our audiences to being a service that is shaped by them and designed around their wants and needs. To achieve this mission of being a Digital First BBC, we are building a data organisation which will lead cultural and organisational change. This includes transitioning the BBC to a data product organisation, evolving our  data architecture and embedding data capabilities company wide. To help us progress along that journey, the recently created Data Governance function plays a crucial part. Data Governance function is under the Director of Data in Product Group. We are establishing the data governance team in order drive the implementation of our data governance strategy. This role will report to the Head of Data Governance, in Product Group.  

Trusted data is a fundamental aspect of our data strategy. Our Data Governance strategy will be key to deliver on this.  You will play a critical role, leading on identifying, articulating, reporting and managing the risk associating to data governance at the BBC.  

As our Data Governance Lead, you will play a crucial role in structuring and governing our data to drive meaningful actions and insights. By establishing a robust data governance framework, you will empower teams to maximise the value derived from our data and lead the rest of the business on data governance.

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