Friday, October 12, 2018


...that caught my eye from the BBC's report on LGBT Culture and Progression, sponsored by Director of Radio & Education James Purnell, published today.

"The BBC uses the acronym LGBT and some staff felt we should move towards reflecting a wider
definition and adopt LGBTQ or LGBTQ+."

"Staff told us that they felt there is a Hetronormative culture, particularly around language in the workplace."

"There was a general feeling that senior leaders who are LGBT were not visible. Staff felt that these role models were invaluable as it showed that sexuality/gender identity was not a barrier to progression."

"There was an overwhelming feeling that gay men were much more visible than other identities
within the LGBT community. Lesbians and gay women were not as visible and bisexuality was
never referenced and often misunderstood. Staff are aware of the numbers of disclosed trans staff
in the organsiation but they weren’t aware of staff who identified as trans"

The project team, producing ten recommendations now accepted by the Executive Board, were Chris Burns, now busy re-imagining BBC Local Radio; Phil Harrold, Company Secretary; Andrew Young,  Diversity Lead, Radio & Education; David Walker, Internal Communications Lead, Deputy Director General Group; Karen Millington – Co-chair, BBC Pride and a digital producer for BBC Learning at Salford; Matt Weaver, Co-chair, BBC Pride, Development Lead for BBC Children's, also Salford-based.

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