Thursday, January 11, 2018

Ideologue ?

James Purnell's Charter offer of 'BBC Ideas' has its first manifestation - a Beta website with links to thirty or so "short films" for curious minds.

The production credits show how many bits of the BBC have set up kitchen-table operations in a bid to create videos that go viral - BBC World Service, BBC Woman's Hour, Newsnight, BBC Stories, BBC3, Tomorrow's World, Radio 4, BBC Archive.  Some date back to 2016. BBC Ideas has made some new ones - "Should we teach ethics to driverless cars ?" - and commissioned others, from Intelligence Squared, Angie Sharp Media, Dayglow & Pencil & Pepper and more.

There was an early morning tweet linking to "How to negotiate a pay rise", since deleted. 

1 comment:

  1. Mind the (pay) gap:
    A video that looks as though it was shot on a mobile phone by Will from W1A all wrapped up in a lot of zappy graphics


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