Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Life form

The skeletal apparatus of the new BBC structure, emerging from the protean swamp, drew itself to its knees last week,and has slumped back, perhaps trying to find new ways to get to its feet.

There's now a longer list of sub-committees of the new Board; Remuneration will be chaired by Steve Morrison, alongside Nick Serota and Tanni Grey-Thompson; Nominations, choosing new Board members, will be led by Sir David Clementi with Simon Burke, Nick Serota, Ashley Steel and Lord Hall. The BBC's Director of Nations and Regions, Ken MacQuarrie, gets to chair committees on Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England. In all but England's case, there is an additional BBC member of the committee in the form of the Nations Directors.

The whole lot is coming up on my browser with a Google warning, "not secure". And now, there's no holding page for the minutes of the Board and these committees. Can transparency, technically, just fade away, or is it being deliberately obscured ?

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