Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Webmaster ?

Former BBC DG Mark Thompson, a man never knowingly riddled with self-doubt, has been mansplaining a digital future for the New York Times, at a conference organised by TechCrunch.

“We love our print product … We want to produce it as long as it makes economic sense,” he said, which might be "a decade or longer". His goal was to build “a business which will be a successful business without selling a single physical copy of The New York Times.”

And he said the Times paywall was deliberately rather easy to scale:“We think … the geometry of our model, the porosity, is more efficient at generating digital revenue than any other model we know about.”

The NYT was nominated in 12 Webby categories this year - and won awards in six. Mark's total compensation package last year: $4.9m.

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