Thursday, May 25, 2017


There's no doubt that the New York Times got a scoop with its pictures of police evidence photos taken at the site of the Manchester bomb. All written up by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter C.J.Chivers, 52, (six years with the U S Marines 1988-1994),with additional work by Mika Grondahl, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Sergio Pecanha and Derek Watkins.

But editorially, was it right to publish ?

Today, the paper said "The images and information presented were neither graphic nor disrespectful of victims, and consistent with the common line of reporting on weapons used in horrific crimes.

"We have strict guidelines on how and in what ways we cover sensitive stories. Our coverage of Monday’s horrific attack has been both comprehensive and responsible."

So that's the case for the defence on taste and decency, but it doesn't cover messing up a police investigation, does it ?  Wonder if CEO Mark Thompson got a phone call..

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