Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Work B**ch

Former BBC HR Director Lucy Adams gets a soubriquet I hadn't spotted before, in her billing for the Housing Finance Conference in Liverpool in March, picked up from a popular music performer.

Lucy has blogged about leadership and transformation ahead of the conference...

If trust in leaders has hit a new low, then techniques such as command and control and cascading the key messages simply cannot deliver. If the pace of change and surfeit of data means we cannot possibly predict the near-term future, then expecting leaders to have all the answers is absurd. If the flux of modern organisations means the incentives we used to offer as carrots to our people for loyalty – length of tenure, stability, promotions etc – are increasingly empty, then this means we have to find new ways of leading our people through uncertainty.

It's almost as if she knew her successor, Valerie Hughes D'Aeth, was claiming to have transformed the BBC the old way.

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