Monday, January 23, 2017

"Both" "and"

I'm having a bad week keeping up with BBC technology, and it's only Monday.

After a struggle with "human centricity", I've now found a series of recruitment ads taking the BBC towards "Saas" products. SaaS stands for "Software as a Service" (gawd knows how you say it in meetings), presumably allowing individuals working on BBC desktops, laptops and tablets to download approved apps. This comes at the same time as the BBC is investing millions in new "enterprise software solutions" - thus my "both" "and".

Then I lost it at this bit in the job requirement. Completely.

"This role involves the development and maintenance of the vision and architecture for expressing the BBC Digital Ecosystem as a partner focused SaaS product in support of BBC as a Platform initiatives and internal operational efficiency. Also responsible for ongoing cross-product supplier technical evaluation and integrated technical supplier solutions."

1 comment:

  1. Software as a service is just a program (eg Microsoft Office 365, Photoshop, Blogger) that you rent to use instead of buying. Most of the time, you'll also use it via a web browser instead of installing something on your desktop.


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