Friday, December 16, 2016

The Answer Book

BBC staff struggling to find suitable presents for their HR colleagues might like to wait until the New Year.

Former BBC People Person Lucy Adams is publishing her collected thoughts as a paperback on January 12th, entitled "HR Disrupted: It's Time for Something Different".

Preternaturally, the blurb pours scorn on organisations struggling with reform of their grading systems...

"HR departments, and companies, need to transform their approach. This entails not simply tinkering with the process or the mechanics, but taking a completely fresh look at the entire scenario. It’s the difference between spending hours deciding how many grades there should be in an employee grading system, and asking if grading people actually increases their ability to perform better in the first place.

"To achieve this change, Disruptive HR has three pillars:

1. Treating employees as adults not children

2. Treating employees as consumers or customers (not a one-size-fits-all approach)

3. Treating employees as human beings

EACH: Employees as Adults, Consumers and Human beings. (Each of us is different, each of us deserves better.)"

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